Prayer 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM | Worship 10:30 AM
Communion and Fellowship lunch the first Sunday of each month
Missions Conference March 23-24, 2024! See “News” tab for more info! 

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Christians may worship at any time, for all time has been hallowed by God. The covenant community worshiped daily. But God set aside one day in seven to be kept holy to the Lord. In the Old Testament the Sabbath was understood as a day totally set aside and offered to the Lord. In the New Testament, believers observed the first day of the week, the day of resurrection, as the time when the new people of the covenant gathered to worship God in Jesus Christ. They came to speak of this as the Lord’s Day.

At Covenant Presbyterian, our celebration of the Lord's Day consists of a range of worship opportunities:

Prayer Time

How better to start the Lord's Day with a time of prayer?

We currently meet in the back room on the left, where we lift our voices in prayer every week. 

All ages are welcome!

When? 9:00 AM

Sunday School

The Adult Sunday School class meets in the big classroom behind the kitchen. This class is appropriate for middle school kids through adults. 

The younger elementary class meets in the prayer room behind the kitchen on the left, and they are working their way through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. 

When? 9:30AM every Sunday

«February 2025»

Lord's Day Worship

Our worship service is filled with rich liturgy, wonderful songs, Bible reading, confession, prayer, and praise to our God.

A powerful message completes the service as we worship our triune God.

When? 10:30 AM